Repeat prescription

At Huisartsen Vrijheidslaan you are able to request repeat prescriptions by phone or online. 

Requesting repeat prescriptions by phone

To request repeat prescriptions by phone, please call our special repeat prescriptions line 020 662 7967 (option 2).
You are able to record repeat prescriptions 24 hours a day.

Requesting repeat prescriptions online

To request.a repeat prescription online, please use our repetitive prescriptions form. To do so, click the icon patient environment on our homepage (homepage).

You are then able to fill in the form and submit it online. After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail.

Please cluster your prescriptions and order a quantity for 3 months.

To request repeat prescriptions, you have to be registered at our practice and your GP (or specialist) has to have prescribed the prescription before.

If we do not contact you and you submitted your request at an office day before 10:00, your prescription will be ready for you the next office day after 13:00 at your pharmacy.

If you are having trouble using these repeat prescription services please contact our assistants at 020 662 7967 (option 3), or at the office desk.

Urgent repeat prescriptions

In case you can't wait 24 hours for your repeat prescription, directly contact one of our assistants by phone at 020 662 7967 (choose option 3) or at the office desk.

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