At “Huisartsenpraktijk Vrijheidslaan” we have several Practice Supporting General practitioner's to support our doctors.
A POH (Practice Supporting General practitioner) controls and guides patients with specific focus points.
The POH has more time available for these cases and works in close consultation with the general practitioner.
You can be helped during our POH-S consultation hour and our POH-GGZ consultation hour.
POH-S Consultation hour (Practice Supporting General practitioner – Somatic)
- A diabetes monitoring
- Heart diseases (CVRM – Cardiovascular Risk Management)
- COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) / lung functions
- Care for the elderly
POH-GGZ consultation hour (Practice Supporting General practitioner – Mental Health Care)
- Psychological symptoms
- Psychosocial symptoms
You can be referred to our POH consultation hour by a general practitioner. An appointment is required.
Making an appointment
To make an appointment or request a home visit, you can call the practice.
The “praktijkondersteuner” can possibly invite you to visit the consultation hour or make an appointment for a home visit.