General practitioner

At “Huisartsenpraktijk Vrijheidslaan” you can be helped via our walk-in consultation hour, our appointmet consultation hour, our telephone consultations, video consultation, a home visit, or an e-consult. We can also help you with small surgical procedures.
Walk-in consultation hour CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA CRISIS
Appointment consultation hour
For questions that require the personal time of a general practitioner, you can make an appointment for a consult.
The appointment consultation hour is held every office day and requires you to make an appointment by phone or online via our webpage. MOMENTARILY ONLY TELEPHONE OR VIDEO CONSULTATIONS CAN BE SCHEDULED ONLINE DUE TO CORONA.
We reserve 15 minutes per consult as the consult is meant to treat 1 question. If you expect to need more time, for instance because of a larger problem, several problems or simply because you wish to have a longer conversation, please report this upon making the appointment. We will then take this into account and plan some more time.


Video consultation

It is possible to request a video consultation with your general practitioner. You can schedule an appointment for this by pone or online via our webpage. At the scheduled time of your appointment a link will be emailed to you, this will open directly in your browser.
Home visit
If you have a question that requires the personal time of a general practitioner but you are unable to visit our practice, for instance because of illness, a (temporary) disability or a difficulty walking, you can make an appointment for a home visit.
The home visits can be made daily and require you to make an appointment by phone.
However, because of the better research and treating facilities, we have a preference for you to visit one of our consultation hours. Should this not be possible, then you are of course welcome to request a home visit.
If you have a short question or a follow up question about a started treatment, you can use our E-consult.
If you have an account, you can log in via the E-consult icon on our homepage, which will bring you to my environment where you can start an E-consult at any given time.
After submitting a new E-consult you will receive a reaction in 2 to 5 office days from your healthcare provider.
If you do not yet have an account, you can request one via the login page.
Small surgical procedure
We can help you with, among other things, the removal of birthmarks, warts, sebaceous cysts and lipomas (fatty lumps).
Whether something is fit to remove in the general practitioner’s practice, will always be judged beforehand during the consultation hour by the general practitioner. If so, then a separate appointment is required for the procedure

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