GP practice assistant

Upon calling the practice or reporting at the desk you are spoken to by the doctor’s assistant.
She can help you with planning an appointment, give you advice on common complaints or answer many useful questions such as questions about prescriptions and referral letters.

Assistant's consultation
You can be helped during an assitant's consultation for, among other things:

  • Measuring your blood pressure (measuring your RR)
  • Placing and reading a 24-hour blood pressure monitor
  • Taking care of wounds
  • Giving injections
  • Ear syringing
  • Highlighting warts
  • Bandaging
  • Blood sugar level check
  • Making Pap smears a part of the national preventative care programme (BVO)
  • Determining the ankle-arm-index

Assistant's consultations are held every office day in the mornings from 11:30 until 12:00 and in the afternoon from 14:30 until 15:00. You are required to make an appointment by phone.
Rekha Dasai-Koeber makes the Pap smears and determines the ankle-arm-index. Appointments are typically planned in the morning.

Making an appointment
To make an appointment, you can call the practice or use our web agenda.

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