Landelijk Schakelpunt (LSP - or National Exchange Point)

Our GP practice is connected to the Landelijk Schakelpunt (LSP - or National Exchange Point).

The LSP makes it possible for healthcare providers to exchange information about your health via the internet via a secure connection. 
The purpose of this is, in relevant situations, to be as well informed about your health as possible so the most adequate care can be provided to you.

Via the LSP information can be exchanged between your general practitioner, your pharmacy, the GP post and your treating medical specialists. This concerns a part of the data from your GP file and your medication file.

The General Praticioners Centre
If you go to the the general practitioners centre, for a situation that can not wait, when the GP practice is closed, the general practitioners centre has access to a part of the data that the GP practice administers.
The general practitioners centre in turn shares an observation message with the GP practice. This way the general practitioner knows  you have been at the general practitioners centre, for which complaints and what has been done in response to this.

Before you give your consent, please read the leaflet Your medical data available through the LSP (National Exchange Point)...Only if you agree.

Of course, if you have any questions, you can also contact our practice.